Thursday, August 22, 2013

A New Perspective

Hi all,

Here’s our first blog since occupying “our old house.” Yes, last week on Friday the movers came and loaded up all our furniture and heavy stuff, moving it from our rental home of almost two years on Pine Run Road to our home on Charles Street. We spent that night on the air mattress. The next day friends arrived to help us move the smaller stuff and lots of boxes. 

Just before moving, good friend Bill Williams did us a great favor by taking photos of all the rooms of our new home with his digital camera and super, super wide angle lens. We thought you would enjoy seeing these. These photos are great as you can see three sides of the room at once. Keep in mind the wide angle makes the rooms look really large and stretched out. The windows are actually very tall and somewhat narrow. Click on the photos to see a large image.

Kitchen from the dining room—crown molding still to be added.

Dining room looking toward the stairs—waiting for paint and the railing to be installed.

Living room looking toward front door and stairs from the other side of landing. 
Mantle and fireplace surround are another project to be completed.

Family room looking toward hall behind the stairs.

The master bedroom. Bathroom is behind the pocket door.

ChrisAnn's studio on the second floor. Closet is awaiting trim.

Guest room will be getting a built in dresser and book shelf on left. 
Door on the far left leads to the “attic.”

A favorite room. We call it the attic, but it is really
on the second floor above the kitchen wing.

Post move, there is work yet to be completed. 

On the inside: crown molding on the kitchen cabinets, installation of microwave (on back order) and dishwasher (came damaged), some trim on the closet doors, final coat of paint on the trim in many rooms, the final coat of wall paint on the dining room, halls, living room, family room, guest room, closets and master bath, final details in all the baths (lights, mirrors, wainscot, etc.), rods and lights in the closets, the living room mantle and most importantly the railing on the central stairs (actually made moving easier without it).

On the outside: front porch railings and ceiling, back deck railing, shutters. Then we will regrade and rework the three lane wide driveway into one before digging into a new landscape design. We’ll keep you posted.

A special thanks to our friends who came out to help us move: Alan and Carla A., Bill W., Gary S., Wayne and Peggy R., and Dennis H. You guys are the best!

Until next time,