Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What Was

As promised here are a few “before” photos. Some were taken just in time, as we have carefully removed all the original interior window, door and baseboard trim. Inside most of all the wall-to-wall carpeting is gone, too, as well as the closets that had been added after the original construction of our old house. But I’ll let Bob tell you more about that in the next entry. For now this post will document the original layout of the house with some simple drawings and “before” photos. The exterior photos were taken back in May. 

This is the southwest side of the house as seen from the driveway.

The sunroom actually gets a lot of sun as this is the south side of the house. 
Cute as it is the sunroom will removed to make way for a two story addition.

Notice the only side-by-side double hung windows in the house on this the north side. 
Perhaps they were aware of the need for more light. We will enjoy that natural light as well as 
the great view from the second floor. The addition on the first floor is a full bath which served 
the first floor apartment when the house was divided into two units.

This First Floor Drawing shows the floor plan as it was at the time of our purchase. 
The room labels indicate how we will repurpose the rooms.

Bob and Barry the builder meet in the kitchen which we’re pretty sure was a later addition. 
Photo was taken at A on the above drawing.

We believe the stairs (behind the wall) were once open to this room, which will be the dining room, 
before they were closed off from the second floor apartment. Notice the two doors to the front porch. 
Photo was taken at B on the above drawing.

The previous owner was using this room as a bedroom. We think it was the 
original living room or parlor of the house. Notice the added closet. 
The fireplace is behind the dry wall to the left of it. 
Photo was taken at C on the above drawing.

The living room doorway shows the hall and the family room beyond with the 
wall-to-wall carpeting still in place though out. 
Photo was taken at D on the above drawing.

A view of the central stairs from below. 
Photo was taken at E on the above drawing.

This Second Floor Drawing shows the floor plan as it was at the time of our purchase. 
Again, the room labels indicate how we will repurpose the rooms, except my studio
will be in the bedroom on the left.

Most folks laugh when they see this room for the first time—
not the best solution for adding an upstairs bath. 
Photo was taken at F on the above drawing.

This is the interesting room above the kitchen. We plan to use it for storage, 
though it has quite a bit of character with it’s low square windows and beaded board walls. 
The wall-to-wall carpeting has already been removed in this photo. 
Beyond the door you can see cabinets that served that room as the kitchen of the second floor 
apartment and that the door trim in the old kitchen has already been removed. 
Photo was taken at G on the above drawing.

We are redesigning the floor plan of our old house here and there. If you are wondering what will be changed, stayed tuned! 

Thanks for reading,